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Our Events

2025 New Breathwork Sessions
A natural, safe technique to expand awareness and access non-ordinary states of consciousness.
Nestled on a mat with closed eyes in a safe setting, this unstructured and highly experiential process provides an opportunity to express whatever is needed. By activating the unconscious and mobilizing blocked energies, Holotropic Breathwork accesses unfinished issues from our postnatal biography, traumatic physical or emotional events, perinatal memories, death and rebirth sequences, and a variety of transpersonal experiences that can reach mythological, archetypal, and universal realms
Saturday October
Welcome to the Holotropic Breathwork Experience!!
For those new to Holotropic Breathwork, it can be a very powerful tool for exploration, growth, and integration. However, every experience is different and unpredictable – the range of experiences covers all emotions and intensity levels. So release any expectations and agendas. The only mental preparation necessary is to come with an open and adventurous spirit that is ready to surrender to the breathwork process guided by your own inner healer.
What To Bring
Recommended Items:
- Any bedding, pillow, blankets, and whatever you need to be comfortable lying down for 3 hours or sitting for 3 hours. The room is carpeted and there are single mattresses, sheets, and some blankets available. It’s always nice to create your own personal space.
- Health form: please download below
- Wear comfortable clothing, layers for removing or adding
Optional Items:
- Any objects of spiritual/inspirational significance for the small altar
- Eyeshades/earplugs for light/sound sensitive people
- A water bottle if you want – water will be available
- A journal if you like to process by writing
- Stuffed animals and any comfort items
Leave Behind:
- Any strong scents (like perfume, strong deodorant etc.)
- Jewelry
Schedule / Format
It is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY that all participants remain for the duration of the workshop all day. This is for your own benefit as well as the group’s benefit. Please arrive at least a few minutes early. The format for the workshop in general is:
8:30 am – 8:30 pm:
- Information session
- 3-hour morning session
- lunch
- 3-hour afternoon session
- dinner
- group sharing
- closure
The Holotropic Breathwork format utilizes partnering, but it is not at all necessary to already have a partner before the workshop. Everyone will have a partner by the time we begin. If you already know someone else in the workshop, it is perfectly fine to either partner with that person or to partner with someone new.
Vegetarian food (with many textures and flavors) will be provided for lunch. What and how you eat can affect your process.
Meat products can have a very “grounding” effect on the psyche and dairy products clog the respiratory system preventing the fullest deepest breath. It is best to do the breathing portion of the workshop on an empty stomach, but we don’t want you to be so hungry during your session that your hunger consumes you. Within a pair of partners, one partner will breathe in the morning and the other in the afternoon. If you already know who your partner will be, you may want to decide ahead of time who is breathing in which time slot (morning or afternoon). The morning breather can plan to eat a very light breakfast or skip breakfast. The afternoon breather can plan to eat a very light lunch or skip lunch. If you do not have a partner, you may eat a very light breakfast (or skip breakfast) and bring a snack bar or something to eat in the morning in case you end up breathing in the afternoon.
Fasting is not recommended unless you regularly fast or have recently fasted. This is not the time to try out fasting for the first time.
Planning Your Time
The breathwork process is often much larger than the time of the actual workshop. For some people, the psyche begins to prepare a few days in advance for the experience. After the workshop, many people prefer to have some downtime to integrate the experience. Feel free to honor any commitments for the night before, but it can always be helpful to get a decent night’s rest. We suggest refraining from any alcohol or drugs the night before. You may want to pay attention to your dreams. For the night after the workshop, we suggest that you don’t make any definite plans that require lots of social interaction or “work” (like a big party). It’s OK to make plans to go out on that night, but we just advise you to keep them tentative in case you feel like changing them after the breathwork. A mellow day following may also be appreciated.
This workshop will be held at Little Creek in Mebane. The address is 2863 S Jim Minor Road, Mebane, NC 27302. The telephone here is 336-578-4777.
Medical Information Form
(Holotropic Breathwork)
This workshop is not appropriate for pregnant women, or for persons with cardiovascular problems, severe hypertension, severe mental illness, recent surgery or fractures, acute infectious illness or epilepsy. If you have any doubt about whether you should participate, consult your physician or therapist. as well as the facilitators before attending. The answers to the following questions are to assist your facilitators and will be kept strictly confidential. Please answer all questions as completely as possible.
Email Address
Phone Number